3 Quick Thoughts on the US China Trade War

I've been following the US China Trade war with much interest, and I wanted to take the opportunity to pen down 3 quick observations: 1....

Questions from a Budding Young Investor

Hi there! I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that your articles have been invaluable to someone like me who is...

Investing your way to a condo downpayment

I recently received this query from a reader (published anonymously with consent): Dear Financial Horse, I am writing to request for further assistance to building a...

Launch of REITs Investing Masterclass

What is the FH REITs Investing Masterclass? Regular readers of Financial Horse know that I love REITs. REITs are my first love, and I pride...

Last 3 Days – Massive Discount on Investment Courses! Xmas Promo!

Happy December everyone! 2021 is going to be a massive year for investing. So take the time out to do your homework, and be ready...

How Mighty Companies fall, and what to look out for as an investor

*Note: This post first appeared on my Patron page. If you enjoyed this and would like access to similar such posts, do consider signing...

The Weekly Horse: Is the Yield Curve still a reliable indicator of recessions?

Over the past week, I have heard the yield curve being mentioned 3 times. The first was for a board meeting for a listed...

Limited CNY Promo – FH Course

Hi Everyone!  Quite a few readers have reached out to share that they missed the FH Course Christmas promotion because they were abroad. Which fair...

Launch of Financial Horse Course

The most common question I get on this site is: “I am x years old. I have y dollars in the bank. How do...

Lessons learnt from Micron

Financial Horse is on the road this week, but I managed to find some time to hammer out this article. It’s a topic that’s...

National Day Promo ends this Sunday!

Okay, I have to admit, the horse in a suit pic doesn’t really have much to do with this post. But it was really...

Top Financial Horse articles of 2019 you may have missed

So it’s December again. Every year I’m amazed at how quickly time passes, and 2019 was no exception. It seems just yesterday that I was...