Top 5 Household Furniture Worth the Splurge

After our article on Top 10 Mistakes to avoid for Home Renos in Singapore, let's explore 5 furniture items in your house worth splurging...

Investing Lessons from Warren Buffett’s Biography

Warren Buffet is probably the most cited investor on the planet. Here are some of the top investing lessons from his biography!

Mankiw Principles of Economics (Graphic Edition) Review + Giveaway!

Here at FH, we get a lot of reader enquiries on what resources to read to learn about investing. We've created a Top 10 List...

#1 Success Tip shared by Bill Gates, Ray Dalio & Oprah

What is one success tip shared by Bill Gates, Ray Dalio, Oprah and more? Drumroll please ... .... Meditation.  Meditation is a free, easy-to-access activity that can pay...

Saving for your Home Purchase – Useful CPF Calculators & Strategies (Singapore 2022)

Purchasing a home is probably one of the biggest expenses most Singaporeans will experience. This post explores how to save for your first home, alongside...

Citi Ultima Card – Best Card for Multi-Millionaires? Invite-Only “Black Card”

If you're a private banking client, you would have heard of Citi Ultima.  The exclusive, invite-only card offers ultra-high net worth clients unparalleled access to...

Is it Too Expensive to have a Child in Singapore? (2023)

Singapore birth rates hit a record low in 2022.  We also see a trend of later marriages, and couples who choose not to have kids...

5 Must-Try Staycations in Singapore in 2022!

This article was submitted by a Guest Contributor. From 2021, Staycations have become integrated as a new term in our vocabulary.  While many of us are...

Top 8 Most Expensive Restaurants in Singapore (2024)

Singapore is an exciting destination for world class cuisine from all around the world. With holiday season descending upon us, let's explore eight of Singapore's...

8 Craziest Investment Scams in Singapore

This article was submitted by a Guest Contributor.  In the recent EIU world’s safest city report, Singapore dropped from 2nd to the 3rd spot, because...

How to be Luckier in Life

Do you believe in Luck? “I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” ― Thomas...

How to Overcome Anchoring Bias in Investing

According to Investopedia, anchoring is a behavioral finance term to describe an irrational bias towards an arbitrary benchmark figure. This means that an investor is...

Top 8 Craziest Scams in Singapore: Watch Out!

Scam victims in Singapore lost a total of $660.7 million in 2022. Almost $1.3 billion was lost to scams in the past two years. Contrary...

5 Inspiring Business & Life Lessons from Steve Jobs, In His Own Words

In a groundbreaking release, the Steve Jobs Archive has unveiled a treasure trove of essays, emails, interviews, and personal notes. It reveals the mind...

7 things Rich People do Differently

Secrets of wealthy people? Do millionaires they know something we don't?  Let's expand our horizons by considering what we can do or think differently to grow...