How I will invest $1 million in 2022 (as a Singapore Investor)

  I recently shared how I would invest $1 million in dividend stocks for a 5% yield. A lot of you asked: Given $1 million today, how...

How I will invest $2 million in 2025? For strong capital gains while managing...

I received this question in the Telegram group this week: Hi all, don't mind this fairly elementary post. I'm a local Singaporean (late 20s)  that's back...

Yield curve inversion – should Singapore investors prepare for a recession?

As you’ve probably heard by now, the most notable event the past week in financial markets was the “inversion of the yield curve”. Basics: What...

How to invest $100k in Singapore right now? Where would I invest my money?...

  I was asked to do a “Where would I invest $100,000 today” post recently. You know how you look at prices going up every day...

Why I sold more stocks this week – Is Recession coming? (as a Singapore...

  The last time I sold stocks in a big way was in Jan 2022. Well – this past week I started selling stocks again. And I...

The Weekly Horse: Are Singapore Companies still competitive today?

As members of the Facebook Group will know, Financial Horse was in Europe for a holiday the past week, which is why there was...

35 year old with $3 million net worth – How to invest to grow...

So I received this really interesting question. It’s from a 35 year old, married with kids, and approximately $3 million in net worth. Looking to invest...

Top 10 Singapore stocks / REITs on the SGX in 2019 – Why did...

I can’t believe that it’s December already. 2019 just seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye. Given that we’re approaching the...

StashAway: Responses from the CEO and my thoughts

My previous article on 3 Reasons Why I will not invest my life savings with StashAway must have gotten around, because shortly after, the...

The Weekly Horse: Review of StashAway’s new “High Risk” Portfolio

In my previous review of StashAway (Part I and Part II), I commented that one of my main gripes with StashAway was their heavy...

Where to invest money in Singapore right now? (2019)

So I was calculating my net worth allocation for the FH Net Worth tracker recently. And I was really surprised by the amount of...

My 3 Biggest Investing Mistakes in 2023 – What was my investment return this...

  Merry Xmas to all FH Readers! It’s that time of the year again. Don’t know about you, but 2023 seems to have zoomed by in a...

Should you time the market in 2021? (as a Singapore Investor)

One of the most common questions I get asked on Financial Horse goes like this: *************************** Hi FH, I have $xxx and I want to buy...

Why I think the market is wrong on interest rates – Singapore Savings Bonds...

  I’ve been getting quite a few questions on the path for interest rates in 2023, especially after the series of bank failures last month. I’ve...

How will the next 12 months play out for financial markets? (FH Premium Preview)

  We’ve been doing quite a few individual REIT level posts of late because of the sharp drop in REIT prices. So for this week I...