Why I think a Recession is coming – How to invest as a Singapore...

  You know how Stanley Druckenmiller always talks about how George Soros (or even himself) can change his mind completely once new data comes to...

How I will invest $1 million in 2023’s “Recession” (as a Singapore Investor)

  Let me just put it out there and say that this is one of the hardest markets to invest in for a while. Even investing...

Why I sold more stocks this week – Is Recession coming? (as a Singapore...

  The last time I sold stocks in a big way was in Jan 2022. Well – this past week I started selling stocks again. And I...

Why I think the market is wrong on interest rates – Singapore Savings Bonds...

  I’ve been getting quite a few questions on the path for interest rates in 2023, especially after the series of bank failures last month. I’ve...

How I see the next 5 to 10 years playing out – And how...

  We’ve been doing a lot of short term focussed macro pieces recently. A lot of the investing in 2022 / 2023 is just one big...

Credit Suisse bought over by UBS: AT1 Bondholders wiped out – Will this trigger...

  As I’m sure all of you have heard by now. We finally have a conclusion to the Credit Suisse saga. Because UBS has agreed to buy...

Will the Stock Market crash – Why I don’t think this is 2008…yet? How...

  Over the past week, we’ve seen: 3 US Banks fail. The Feds rush in to bail out all depositors at 2 US banks. A potential run on...

Silicon Valley Bank – The “Bailout” is here, is contagion averted? Time to sell...

  A bit of background. If you are a regulator, and you are going to close a bank on Friday. You better have something ready to announce...

How I will invest $1 million for the next 20 years? (as a Singapore...

  I’ve been getting quite a few questions on investing for the next generation recently. Here’s one: Hi FH, I have recently come into a pool of cash...

The Fed “Pivot” is here – Time to buy stocks and REITs?

  Okay, so Wednesday’s FOMC was really, really important. To the point where it requires a full article on it. We spent all of 2022 talking about...

How I will invest my money in 2023? Have stocks bottomed?

  Earlier this week I wrote a piece for Patrons discussing how to invest for the next 3 to 5 years (in a world of...

How I will invest $1 million in 2023’s Market Crash (as a Singapore Investor)

  It’s been a while since I did a macro post on Financial Horse. I’ve also been getting quite a few queries on how to invest...

33 year-old earning $800,000 a year – How to invest for the next 25...

  I received the following question recently: Hi Financial Horse, I am XXX, 33 old years, just started to invest. I have currently invested about $250,000...

How I will invest $1 million in 2023’s Market Crash (as a Singapore Investor)

  What a month it’s been! Since Jackson Hole in late Aug, the market has started to break. This week, the US 10-year yield broke 4%. And don’t...

How to earn $5,000 a month in Passive Dividend Income (as a Singapore Investor)

  I was reading an article on Channel News Asia recently. It was about the FIRE movement in Singapore (Financial Independence Retire Early). It’s a personal finance...