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REIT & Fixed Income

T-Bills at 3.77% yield – Must buy with CPF money? … Better than Singapore...

  The latest T-Bills yield 3.77%. While CPF-OA yields 2.5% (after the first $20,000). T-Bills are backed by the Singapore government. So ... Should one buy T-Bills with...

Best Fixed Deposit Rates yield 2.85%– Better than Singapore Savings Bonds for your cash?...

  I was looking at the latest Fixed Deposit Rates recently. And they are frankly quite attractive with rates of up to 2.85%. Remember, with fixed deposit...

Latest Singapore Savings Bonds Allotment – Up to $14,500 per person! Why is interest...

  So the latest allotment results for the December Singapore Savings Bonds are out! Each person who applied can get up to $14,500. This is a pretty...

Singapore Savings Bonds at 3.21% yield – I am buying… but are T-Bills at...

  The latest interest rates on the Singapore Savings Bonds are out, and they are really attractive. Starting at 3.08% for Year 1 Going up to 3.30%...

How I will invest $1 million in REITs at 6.0% dividend (as a Singapore...

For dividend investors, 2022 has been like Christmas come early. Singapore Savings Bonds paying higher than CPF (2.71%). Astrea 7 Bonds at 6% yield. And solid, blue-chip...

T-Bills at 3.32% yield – Better buy than Singapore Savings Bonds / Fixed Deposit?...

  I’ve been getting quite a few questions on T-Bills recently. The latest T-Bills yield 3.32%, absolutely risk free. And with the latest Fed rate hikes, the...

Singapore Savings Bonds at 3.58% yield – I am buying… but are T-Bills at...

  The latest Singapore Savings Bonds are out. As expected – they are very attractive. Starting at 3.26% in the first year, and going up to 3.58%...

Top Fixed Deposit Rates in Singapore offer 2.90% yield – Are T-Bills a better...

It’s been quite a while since my last article on fixed deposits. And I have been getting a couple of questions on the best place...

Latest Singapore Savings Bonds Allotment – $13,500 per person!

  So the latest allotment for the September Singapore Savings Bonds are out. I was pretty surprised by the results actually. Each person who applied can get...

How I will invest $100,000 in REITs in 2022 (as a Singapore Investor)

  Remember when REITs used to be popular? Yeah… this horse is old enough to remember that too. REITs have traded sideways for a whole year, so...

July Singapore Savings Bonds Allotment – Only $9,000 per person!

  So the allotment results for the July 2022 Singapore Savings Bonds are out. And I mean… we all knew that these Singapore Savings Bonds would...

Astrea 7 Bonds Review – Why I am buying the 4.125% – 6% yield...

  For investors with cash to spare, 2022 has been like Christmas come early. A sell-off in REITs, stocks and bonds. And now Astrea 7, with 4.125%...

Top 3 REITs I will buy in 2023 – 6% Dividend yield minimum (as...

  Let me just put it out there and say that I am not the biggest fan of REITs at today’s prices. Regular readers of Financial...

Frasers Property Green Notes Review (4.49% yield, 5-year duration) – Will I buy these...

Frasers Property Limited just released a new retail bond. These Green Notes yield 4.49% per annum, with a 5-year tenor. I’ve been getting quite a few questions about...

Singapore Savings Bonds at 2.75% yield – I am buying… but are T-Bills /...

So the latest Singapore Savings Bonds (October) are out. Interest rates are below, and at 2.75% over 10 years it’s actually lower than last month’s...