Singapore Savings Bonds at 3.58% yield – I am buying… but are T-Bills at...

  The latest Singapore Savings Bonds are out. As expected – they are very attractive. Starting at 3.26% in the first year, and going up to 3.58%...

Next T-Bills Auction on 11 May – Expected yield of 3.75%? Better buy than...

  So the next T-Bills Auction is on 11 May. The last 6 month T-Bills closed at 3.83% yield, while most of the banks have revised...

Hyflux: What went wrong and what can investors do?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few months, you’ve probably heard about the Hyflux saga. With stories about how retirees placed...

Hyflux’s new restructuring deal: Should investors accept it?

I’ve been following the recent Hyflux saga with much interest. The fall from grace of one of Singapore’s homegrown companies, and the entire restructuring...

6-month T-Bills yields drop to 3.70% – Demand for T-Bills continue to go up...

  In my weekend article, I estimated a yield of 3.70% - 3.80% for the upcoming 6-month T-Bills auction. The auction results are out at 3.70%...

Keppel KBS US REIT: Why I loaded up on this 10.1% yielding REIT

In the spirit of full disclosure, please note that I hold an existing stake in Keppel KBS US REIT. As background, when the unit...

Keppel US REIT trades at a 13.7% dividend yield – Will I buy this...

  I’ve been getting quite a few questions on the US REITs recently. In case you missed it, most of these REITs are trading at double...

Top 3 REITs I will buy in the next 12 months – as a...

  I’ve been getting a lot of questions about blue-chip REITs recently. The REITs from Mapletree, CapitaLand, Frasers etc. Prices of the blue-chip REITs have not dropped...

新加坡商铺/写字楼市场前景 3 大要点—CICT(凯德综合商业信托)2021 年第三季度业务更新报告最新解读

看了凯德综合商业信托 2021年第三季度业务更新报告 - 有所启发! 其报告绝对是新加坡商业地产(包括商铺和写字楼)领域的信息宝库。 今日分享一下心得,希望对您有所帮助。 CICT(凯德综合商业信托)2021 年第三季度业务更新报告中的 3 大要点 我关注的是新加坡商业地产的总体趋势,而非仅仅聚焦于凯德综合商业信托。 我们从商铺业务说起。 新加坡商铺市场 续租租金变动率仍在下跌 商铺的续租租金变动率持续下滑。 对于不甚熟悉地产领域的读者,我需要解释下,续租租金变动率指的是下面两项租金之间的变动率:(1) 续租租金 (2) 已到期租约的租金。 因此,这说明商铺续租租金低于低于之前租约的租金。 有些细节颇为引人注意: 首年租金低于平均租金 这意味着,业主以此吸引租户签订租约。 他们可能第一年会收取较低的租金,然后逐年增加。 这对双方都有利,租户只需付较低的预付租金,有时间稳定业务。 而业主则保证了入住率(避免房产空置)以及未来的上升空间。 我唯一担心的是疫情形势有变。那样的话,租户核心业务还未改善,同时还要负担不断上涨的租金。 郊区续租租金变动率优于市区 郊区商场续租租金只比之前的平均租金低 0.9%。 而市区商场续租租金则较之前的租金低 8%。 不得不说,由于居家办公,郊区商场目前态势比市区商场要好得多。 不过我不希望这会永远持续下去,我们总有一天会回到办公室。 因此,如果留心,可以发现一些交易机会。卖出复苏交易的一些变量,即不做空数据中心房地产投资信托基金 (REIT),而是做空郊区商场 REIT,做多市区商场 REIT。 租户销售额的复苏远强于客流回暖 租户销售额为 2019 年平均水平的 83%(下降 17%)。 而客流量则是 2019 年平均水平的 59%(下降 41%)。 我觉得这个数据很有意思——这表明消费者的购物效率越来越高。 如果消费者想购物,他们仍会选择商场(因此租户销售额复苏),但不会只为了闲逛而去商场。 至少在我看来是这样的。 你可以说,租户可能已经更好地适应了后疫情时代的消费现状,销售人们真正想买的商品。也存在这种可能性。 部分零售领域遭到重创 部分类别的租户业绩低迷。 跌幅最大的是零售店和娱乐业,分别下降了 9.6% 和...

T-Bills at 4.0% yield – Must buy with CPF-OA? Better buy than Singapore Savings...

  After the recent T-Bills auction, I’ve been getting a flood of questions on T-Bills. The recent T-Bills was massively oversubscribed, seeing $14.2 billion applications for...

First REIT’s 80% drop explained: Will I buy this REIT at $0.22?

In case you missed it, this is the 1 year chart of First REIT. It’s gone from $1.00 in Jan, to $0.22 this week. For those...

T-Bills yields drop further to 3.70% – Why are interest rates going down despite...

  So the latest T-Bills auction results are out! In my weekend article, I predicted a range of 3.65% - 3.80% on the T-Bills. And sadly enough...

REIT ETFs: 5 Reasons I am still not a fan after Budget 2018

The recent Budget 2018 was a momentous one for REIT ETFs, as it accorded tax transparency status for REIT ETFs from 1 July 2018. Before...

Why I think REIT prices will struggle in 2023 (as a Singapore Investor)

First off – my apologies. I know that I’ve been doing a lot of posts on Singapore Savings Bonds and T-Bills recently. I’ve just been getting...

Latest Singapore Savings Bonds Allotment – Up to $14,500 per person! Why is interest...

  So the latest allotment results for the December Singapore Savings Bonds are out! Each person who applied can get up to $14,500. This is a pretty...