Will I buy more DBS Bank stock at a 5.0% dividend yield? Are Singapore...

A week or two back I shared my views on REITs in 2025. And I know a lot of you have been asking. So let me...

DBS Bank jumps to all time high after Bonus Shares – At 6.2% dividend...

  As many of you will know, DBS bank went ex bonus shares on Monday, 22 April. Interestingly, DBS shares have done very well since then. Here...

Why I bought more OCBC Bank at 5.8% dividend yield? Will bank stocks drop...

I’ve been getting quite a few questions for my latest views on banks. As we all know, bank earnings (and share price) has been very...

Top 3 Dividend Stocks to buy in 2023 – 5.0% Dividend Yield minimum (as...

  It’s been quite a while since we talked about dividend stocks on Financial Horse. So that’s exactly what I wanted to do today. Top 3 Dividend...

Top 5 Growth Stocks to buy for Singapore Investors (2021)

Now I talk a lot REITs, banks and GLCs on Financial Horse. But I realise I’ve never done a dedicated post on growth stocks. Growth stocks...

Is it finally time to sell DBS Bank stock?

  2 months ago, I wrote on article on whether it was time to sell DBS Bank stock. My conclusion then, was that I would consider...

Top 3 Dividend Stocks to buy in 2024 – 5% yield minimum (No Banks...

  So a FH Premium member recently posed the question: Hi FH, I recall you did an article sometime ago on dividend stocks that are non-bank...

Singapore Airlines pays a 7.1% dividend yield – Will I buy SIA stock? (as...

  Quite a few of you have asked me for my views on Singapore Airlines stock. Since COVID lows, the stock is up almost 90%. Even at...

UOB Bank pays 5.8% dividend yield only – Buy DBS or OCBC instead for...

  So I was reading this article from Beansprout recently. The article is titled “UOB offers lowest dividend yield amongst local banks. Switch to DBS?” It explains...

Top 5 Value Stocks to buy in 2022 (as a Singapore Investor)

  Happy Chinese New year to all readers! If 2021 was the year of the meme stock, 2022 might just be the revenge of the value...

OCBC Bank pays a 5.7% dividend yield – Better buy than DBS or UOB...

  I’ve been getting a lot of questions about OCBC Bank recently. After the big rally in DBS Bank shares of late (that makes OCBC comparatively...

DBS Bank pays a 6.1% dividend yield – Best Singapore stock to buy? Better...

  I’ve been getting a lot of comments from readers on how DBS Bank is the best Singapore stock to buy. With some even going so...

Will I sell DBS Bank stock and buy REITs? With interest rate cuts coming?

  So I received this great question from a reader: Hi FH, With the Feds projected to cut interest rates soon. Do you think now is a good...

How I may invest $1 million in 2024 – Buy REITs, US Stocks, Commodities,...

As some of you may know, my belief is that active investing may outperform passive investing this decade. So when Saxo reached out to collaborate...

How to get 5% p.a.^ dividend income as a passive investor (for the first...

Singapore investors love dividends. Whether you are a young investor growing your wealth, or a retiree looking for retirement income, it’s never too late to...