Top Reads this week (10 February)


Rounding up the top reads from around the web, as shared by fellow investors or myself in the Financial Horse Facebook Group.

Here’s wishing all readers a great and prosperous Chinese New Year! 🙂

Even God Couldn’t Beat Dollar Cost Averaging (Of Dollars and Data)

On market timing vs buy and hold

Banks Part I: Capital Adequacy (Reality Inversion)

Nice introduction to the topic of capital adequacy for banks.

Pricing Power (pt 2) Intellectual Property (Epsilon Theory)

“No one has loyalty to a robo-advisor. There is no relationship here, beyond whatever halo effect is generated by the brand label on the machine. And believe me, halo effects are the first and immediate casualty of a market correction. If there’s not a human being there to hold your hand, filled with gravitas and concern and smart answers to your smart questions … you are outta there when a bear market hits. I don’t care how much you swore up and down that you were a long-term investor and trusted the process and yada, yada, yada. You are gone. Because there’s always another advisor to choose from. You’re still a long-term investor. Just with a new advisor.”

Asia Wealth Virtual Summit 2019

Hi guys,

A fellow Singapore investor has reached out to me on a virtual investment conference (video streaming) he is organizing. I’m a huge supporter of Singaporean initiatives, and I always believed that exposing ourselves to multiple points of view and being able to critically analyse them is incredibly helpful, so I was more than happy to help.

You’ll find the registration link here. It’s completely free so it doesn’t hurt to just sign up and check out the more interesting talks from the comfort of your own home. ?

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Template for SREIT basic screener on google sheets (REIT-tirement)

“I have created a template for SREIT basic screener on google sheet.
Refer link below:…/1Ap4d5RBCgEBJTKAIkvx-C-hmdI…/edit…

If you are interested, you can make a copy of your own and modify the template yourself. I have also post a blog for more detail about this basic REITs screener template, you could find it here.…/how-to-create-your-own…

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SGX shipbuilders could gain from merger of world’s largest 2 yards (The Edge)

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