Top Reads this Week (17 Feb)


Rounding up the top reads from around the web, as shared by fellow investors or myself in the Financial Horse Facebook Group.

Taking stock of where REITs are currently (Investment Moats)

Interesting take on REIT valuations. If right, it would mean that REITs are not overvalued simply because longer term yields have come down by so much the past month.

The Incredible Shrinking Singapore Stock Market (Bloomberg)

There’s a lot of truth in this article, but at the same time it’s a bit too pessimistic. Still a really interesting read though!

Fund Managers’ Current Asset Allocation – February (Fat Pitch)

Always interesting to look at where the “smart” money is…

Investing for Retirement: Why you should not over-rely on REITs investment (SG Money Matters)

Quite a one sided piece, but it does illustrate the perils of having only REITs in your portfolio. As always, diversification and a proper understanding of how REITs work will address most of the issues raised here.

No Pain, No Premium (Think New Found)

Long but really good article on the limits of diversification. Argues that it’s impossible to diversify away risk entirely, because if you do, the future returns fall drastically.

Shared by a reader:

Hi Guys,

I have consolidate sector contribution weightage for REITS in google sheet. There are 2 sheets, 1st is the weightage as of 8 February, 2nd is a formula sheet that you can track your sector allocation of REITs.…/1vr8uvDI1KoqwLIIjPyzIsR1jfF…/edit…

Make a copy for yourself so you could customize and update it. If you found any error, kindly let me know. Thanks

If you like to know more detail, can visit this post @…/sector-contribution-we… . Hope it is useful to you all.

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Vicom declares special dividend on 31% jump in profit (Straits Times)

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Extracts from Hyflux  Reply to SIAS Letter (The Asia Report)

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Mapletree Industrial Trust announces private placement to raise at least $175 million (The Edge)

Till next time, Financial Horse, signing out!

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  1. Iwould appreciate an update of divident yieeld on the 5 stocks you mentioned and present entry prrice per share. I am an investor from Thailand
    Thank you. David


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