Rounding up the top reads from around the web, as shared by fellow investors or myself in the Financial Horse Facebook Group.
Five best-performing S-Reits average 20% return in Q1: SGX (Business Times)
“The top five Reits by return in the first quarter are: Sasseur Reit (25.0 per cent), CapitaLand Retail China Trust (19.4 per cent), Keppel-KBS US Reit (18.2 per cent), Mapletree Logistics Trust (17.6 per cent) and Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust (17.6 per cent).”
In hindsight, I guess betting big on China would have been the right move back in Dec haha.
Paying off your mortgage is a bad move when the yield curve is inverted (Financial Samurai)
Great discussion on why you should not pay off your mortgage when the yield curve is inverted.
Distressed Hyflux says Salim-Medco rescue is off; but investor ‘surprised’ by news (Business Times)
Wow you can’t make this stuff up. Last minute pullout by SMI, only to be denied by SMI!
Text of Steve Jobs’ Commencement address (Stanford)
I recently chanced upon Steve Job’s commencement address and was blown away by how good it was. If you can, watch the video version, it’s well worth 15 mins of your life.
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US-based Eagle Hospitality Trust swoops in on Singapore listing (The Edge)
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WeWork faces uphill climb from Europe’s lenders (Business Times)
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SingPost says will sell struggling US businesses, but no details announced (Business Times)
Till next time, Financial Horse, signing out!
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