MAY Flash Promo!
A lot of you have asked for it – And we’re happy to annouce a flash promo for both FH Courses in the month of May!
If you’re stuck at home and unable to gym during this “Phase 2”, or you’re trying to cut down the time spent outside, why not take the chance to brush up on your investing knowledge?
All from the comfort of your home!
Sign up now, and you also get instant access to all the Patron Archives, and 3 months access to the highest tier of Patron, worth more than S$200! (Accessible via Appendix B once you sign up)
What is the difference between the FH Course and REITs MasterClass?
In the FH Course, you’ll learn about Asset Allocation, Understanding the Market Cycle, REITs, Property Investing, Shares, ETFs, Bonds & Fixed Income, CPF & Tax Planning, and how to put an entire portfolio together.
The REITs MasterClass is for intermediate/advanced investors who already know the basics, and want to take their REIT and real estate investing to the next level. It’s laser focussed on REITs and real estate investing, and teaches you the ins and outs of real estate as an asset class.
Testimonials from Course Members
Would you recommend the FH Course to others?
“Yes! Good for anyone who needs a quick crash course on investing” – L.G. Lee
“Yes, it sets out a framework of the factors to consider for each class of asset” – Richard H
“Yes, great content and regular updates makes this valuable” – JX K
“Yes I would recommend, especially fresh graduates. Useful to learn asset allocation early on, prior to investing” – J. Ong
“Yes, it breaks down complex concepts into simple forms” – C.A. Tan
“Sensible and neutral advice for Singapore investors” – Chris W
“Yes! It’s very sound advice and good for people who are starting out. The part on portfolio allocation is often not talked about but should be!” – JX Yeo
On the REITs Masterclass…
“Yes I would recommend! The course was very detailed. Definitely for those investors like me who prefer to build their own portfolio vs paying fees to agents, banks and intermediaries. And I like macro so I can recognize many traits” – Lawrence L.
“Yes would recommend to people who are interested in investing. FH has put a lot of effort to explain technical concepts in an easy to understand way especially for newer investors. Compared to other investing teaching platforms, the REITs Masterclass is very informative (charts, tables, updates on current news impacting financial markets etc.) and at the same time easier to understand” – Kenneth K.
“Yes. Love the course for its holistic view on buying REITs and also having a balanced view on how we should base our decision making based on individual situations” – J. Ang
“Yes, especially useful for those who wants to know beyond numbers. It covers macroeconomics” – B. Chua
“I am happy to recommend this course. Obviously this course is presented by someone who puts his money where his mouth is. It is practical and real world by someone who has paid his dues to learn” J. Ng
“Yes, the course material is well prepared. The trainer knows his stuff, terms, and strategy, and this was accompanied by case studies for better understanding” – Francis L.
What else do I get if I sign up now?
Signing up now also gets you 3 months subscription to the highest tier of Patron.
This gives you access to the following:

All these materials can be accessed within Appendix B of the course after you sign up.
Is the amount worth it?
Think about it this way – the first stock I bought I invested S$3000, and I lost 80% of that money. That’s S$2400.
As a beginner investor, you’re bound to make mistakes. If this course can help you avoid a 80% loss on a S$3000 investment, it’s paid for itself many times over.
Over the course of a lifetime, we’re going to invest hundreds of thousand, even millions of dollars. That’s real, big money, on the line right there.
And don’t forget about opportunity cost…
If you invest S$20,000 a year from 25 to 65, The difference between 5% a year and 7% a year is $2.5 million vs $4.2 million. That’s a whopping 68% difference, or S$1.7 million.
So don’t be penny wise pound foolish here.
COVID19 and work from home has given us a lot of time to focus on improving our skills.
Take the opportunity to improve yourself and learn about investing the right way.
Take full control of your finances, and your net worth, so that you’re not beholden to anyone.
What is the FH Course?
Unlike other courses which only touch on one or two topics, the Complete Guide to Investing for Singaporeans gives you everything you need to know as an Investor in Singapore – from asset allocation, understanding the market cycle, Stocks, REITs, bonds, ETFs, Property, CPF and tax planning.
You will learn:
- How to decide on asset allocation? How much money goes into cash v stocks v REITs v bonds
- What is the best time in a market cycle to be investing? What to buy at each stage of the cycle?
- How to invest in REITs? What to look out for, and what to avoid?
- How to assemble a REIT portfolio?
- How to invest in Singapore residential property? What to look out for?
- How to invest in share? What should you be looking for, and what should you be avoiding?
- How to use ETFs to complement your investment portfolio?
- How to invest in bonds or fixed income products in Singapore? What to avoid?
- How to use CPF in the most efficient way possible, for the stage of life and income you are at.
- How to pay the least tax possible (via legal means)!
- How to put this all together, and build an investment portfolio that will allow you to achieve your life goals?
- Exclusive access to my thinking on how the coming crisis will play out
And more…
Course outline below:
- Module 1: Objectives and Goal Setting
- Module 2: The Importance of Asset Allocation
- Module 3: Understanding the Market Cycle
- Module 4: REITs
- Module 5: Property Investing for Individuals
- Module 6: Shares
- Module 7: ETFs
- Module 8: Bonds & Fixed Income
- Module 9: CPF & Tax Planning
- Module 10: Putting it all together: Sample Portfolios
- Module 11: Resources on COVID-19
- Module 12: Advanced Reading
- *Bonus Content* – Module 13: Statistics, Probabilities and Randomness – Getting an extra edge in Financial Markets
- FAQs
- Appendix A – Acccess to Exclusive Patron Content
Asset allocation will make or break your returns
I’m a huge believer in asset allocation.
To build this course, I re-thought my entire approach towards asset allocation for Singaporean investors. I built a complete framework from the ground up to think about your net worth as a Singaporean, inclusive of CPF, property (residential + investment), bonds, stocks, REITs.
This is the same approach I adopt towards conceptualising my own net worth.
In fact, I would even go so far to say that the Asset Allocation module itself is probably worth the entire course fee.
How is the course taught?
The course is taught via a series of online video lectures, exercises and reading materials.
All from the comfort of your own home.
And the LIFETIME ACCESS means you can watch and rewatch the materials at your own pace, for as long as you need.
Perfect during this COVID times.
Think of this as a shortcut, to jumpstart your learning and start from a much higher base than your peers
In this course, I’ve taken everything I know about investing, what I learnt from books, courses, academic journals, interviews, speaking to people, and all my experience in the financial markets over the past 10 years, and condensed it into this course. Think of this as a way to shortcut years of your learning, and immediately start on a much higher base than your peers.
It took me 10 years to build up the knowledge I have today. Even if you can do it in a quarter of the time I took, that’s still 2.5 years. In investing, 2.5 years can translate into a lot of money lost.
If I had been offered such a course 10 years ago when I began my investing journey, I absolutely would have jumped at the chance.
Lifetime Membership
Signing up to the course gets you lifetime membership. The course will be continually updated with new content to keep up with market conditions.
You can review the course year after year to refresh your fundamentals as well as keep up with the latest developments.
Buying now also locks in the current price, as the Course Fee will only go up over time!
Don’t wait, take action to jumpstart your investment journey today!
What is the REITs Investing Masterclass?
The REITs Investing Masterclass is laser focussed on REITs.
It then drills down specifically into REITs, and teaches you what you need to know about REITs investing at the highest and most advanced level.
Who is the REITs Investing Masterclass for?
Serious Investors who want to build a long-term REIT income portfolio – If you’ve been investing in financial markets for some time, if you already know the difference between P/E and P/NAV, if you know how to evaluate a REIT or a stock – but you want to take your investing to the next level. Then this Masterclass is for you. This Masterclass imparts a framework to understand REITs, in the macro environment in which they operate in, in order to build a long-term REIT income portfolio.
Investors who are not satisfied with average returns– If you’re not satisfied with just buying a REIT ETF or a Syfe REIT+ Portfolio and getting average returns. If you want to have full control over your investing destiny and returns, and you want to achieve above average returns. Then this Masterclass is right for you.
Investors who plan to deploy your warchest into markets over the next 12 months – If this is you, then you’ve come to the perfect place. I myself plan to deploy big sums into REITs in the next 12 to 24 months. And the framework that I use to pick REITs, and analyse global macro conditions? It’s all in this Masterclass, and more.
What is covered in the REITs Investing Masterclass?
The full course outline is set out below. But very simply, what you will learn is:
- When is the best time to invest in REITs? And when is the time you should be selling REITs?
- How to make money from real estate? How to identify the best properties to own for a lifetime?
- How does real estate and REIT fit into your portfolio? What is the best percentage of REITs to have in your asset allocation?
- What can we learn from REITs from the US? What does this mean for S-REITs in the next 5 years?
- Unique risks you must look out for before buying REITs
- Growth drivers a REIT must have so you can earn increasing distribution and capital gains every year
- The best type of sponsors and managers a REIT must have to protect your capital and make you money
- The financial and operational metrics a REIT must pass
- How to value a REIT accurately using practitioner level valuation techniques
- Exclusive access to my thinking on how the coming crisis will play out
And more…
Full Course Outline:
Part 0: Start with WHY
- Ask yourself WHY
Part I: REITs vs Dividend Stocks vs Growth Stocks
- Investing in REITs
- Investing in Dividend Stocks and Growth Stocks
Part II: Statistics, Probabilities and Randomness – Giving you an Edge in Financial Markets
- Statistics, Probabilities and Randomness – Giving you an Edge in Financial Markets
- Learn what fools the human mind – and override it
Part III: How to make money from Real Estate
- Understanding how the Real Estate market really works
- How to identify good real estate? What to look out for?
- How to Value Real Estate?
- How does Real Estate fit in your portfolio – A course in Modern Portfolio Theory
- Choosing between Public and Private Real Estate
- Why invest in Foreign Real Estate?
Part IV: Macro View – When is a good time to buy REITs? Or to sell?
- Studying the evolution of the Global REIT Industry – Where will S-REITs be in 10 years?
- Macro Factors and their impact on REITs as an asset class – What macro factors are good for REITs? (Part I and II)
- Reading the economic cycle – how to get ahead of the curve
- Reading the real estate cycle – how to get ahead of the curve
Part V: Micro View – How to Pick Good REITs? Which REITs to avoid?
- How to screen/identify S-REITs
- Why is NPI the most important metric to look at?
- Sponsor – What is the best kind of sponsor? What is the worst kind to absolutely avoid?
- Risks that can tank a REIT’s price/distribution
- Growth drivers a REIT must have for you to make money
- Operational and Financial Metrics a REIT should pass
- Valuations – How to Value a REIT
Part VIII: Building a portfolio
- Portfolio construction – Advanced Guide
- Using leverage for REITs
Part VI: Deciding the right price to buy or sell REITs
- What is a good price to buy REITs?
- When to sell a REIT?
Part VII: Case Study
- Mapletree Commercial Trust – Case Study
- More Case Studies to be added – Students can vote for case studies to be added.
Part X: Conclusion
- Conclusion
Think about the Opportunity Cost
I believe the coming months will see a fantastic opportunity to accumulate commercial real estate (via REITs) on the cheap.
BUT – you will need to be careful to pick the good ones, at the right prices, and at the right times.
I think we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift in investing, and the coming years will see active investing vastly outperform passive indexing.
Miss this chance, and you may need to wait a decade for the next.
And… focus on the bigger picture!
In investing, as in life, it’s important not to be penny wise, pound foolish.
I’m reminded of the investors who obsess over picking DBS at $20.5 vs $19.5.
Don’t lose sight of the forest, for the trees.
The REITs Investing Masterclass is designed for investors looking to invest seriously into REITs.
If you belong to this group of serious investors, this course will speak for itself.
If you are such an investor, you already know from your own experience how big the losses can get if you’re unprepared, or if you make a single mistake with one REIT.
You don’t want to be scrambling to figure out which operational metric to look at, which Sponsor to focus on, when REITs are at fire sale prices.
Get this right, and you’re setting up your finances for the rest of your life.
Invest in yourself. Don’t rely on others. It could just be the best decision you ever made.