3 things I like about Investor-One


Here at Financial Horse, we’ve always been very big on quality and trusted sources of content. So when ShareInvestor reached out recently to ask if we can do a piece on Investor-One,  we were more than happy to oblige.

Basics: What is Investor-One

is developed and maintained by ShareInvestor and supported by the Singapore Exchange.

was launched in 2017, and it provides an easy way for investors to access information on SGX stocks. Built with investors in mind, the portal aims to provide readers with a holistic approach to assess companies through a wide array of information sources – news, fundamental data and fellow investors’ sentiments via social media.

In this article, I wanted to share 3 features of that I like.

1. Coverage on lesser covered Singapore companies

Here at Financial Horse, I like to focus more on the bigger, blue chip companies. You know the kinds like DBS, UOB, Mapletree Commercial Trust etc. These counters have large market caps, they have good trading liquidity.

They are also well covered by bank analysts, and by mainstream news.

Move into the smaller cap counters, and it’s a completely different story. These counters have much lesser trading liquidity – and much lesser coverage from bank analysts or mainstream media.

In fact, it’s really hard to find information on most of these counters, short of going to the company website and going through the annual report or financials yourself.

That’s actually where comes in.

I pulled up a screenshot of the editorial page, and you can see the kind of counters that covers.

Names like Boustead Singapore, iFAST, Sabana, Hour Glass, Biolidics. Firmly within the small-mid cap section of the market, where there is significantly lesser coverage.

Now whether you like to invest in small to mid caps or large caps is ultimately a personal decision. The former gives you greater upside (but also greater risk), while the latter has less upside, but also less volatility.

There’s really no right or wrong here.

But if you’re serious about the small to mid cap space, Investor-One is actually a pretty good place to check out when you’re starting your research.

2. The articles go into sufficient depth as a first stop in your research

Take their article on The Hour Glass for example.

The article extracts the 3 accounting statements (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow), all in one simple webpage, and also provides a simple analysis on the results. It even touches on the dividend and business outlook.

Now of course this will not be sufficient information to make a decision whether to buy the stock.

But as an initial stop when you’re conducting your research, it’s a pretty good start to be honest.

You get access to the 3 balance sheets, the dividend, the outlook, and a basic level of analysis. You can then decide whether the company is one worth undertaking further research. All without having to undertake much research of your own.

For certain companies, you can also watch a C-Suite interview with senior management, which is a really nice touch.

And best of all, the website is completely free, so it really doesn’t hurt your pocket at all to drop by here in your research.

3. Ideas on small to mid cap stocks for further research

And finally – I’m sure you guys know what I mean when I say that there’s just too much to keep track of in financial markets these days.

There’s COVID, there’s Fed liquidity, there’s business outlook, there are earnings. As an investor, we’re just constantly bombarded with information these days, to the point where sometimes it’s hard to uncover new ideas about stocks to invest in.

And that’s actually one part I quite liked about Investor-One.

Because their coverage of stocks is so different from the mainstream focus (small to mid cap stocks instead or large cap), I find that going through their website actually gave me a different perspective, and ideas about potential new stocks to invest in.

Boustead Singapore for example. Or The Hour Glass. Stocks that I’d heard of before this, but never really made the connection until now about whether COVID19 could have impacted them to the point where they could be a good investment.

With Investor-One, not only did I get the idea, the article also provide sufficient information to get me up to speed on the latest developments with the company.

Just this way, its already accomplished 2 tasks: (1) it gave me the stock idea, and (2) it gave me sufficient information to reach an initial conclusion on the stock, as to whether I want to undertake additional research.

Closing Thoughts

I quite enjoyed going through the .

It offers a very fresh perspective from the content I usually go through, with its emphasis on small to mid cap stocks in Singapore. These are very underreported names, so there are very little alternatives out there in terms of content, short of undertaking the research yourself.

So if you’re an investor who likes this small to mid cap space, or even if you usually stick to big cap stocks but want to broaden your horizon, Investor-One is definitely worth checking out.

The content is completely free, and who knows, you might get a new stock idea from there. Or if it’s a company you’re going to undertake more research on, and it’s been covered by Investor-One, that can actually shortcut a fair bit of the research.

You can visit Investor-One !

Disclaimer: The following post is sponsored by Investor-One, all opinions and views expressed in this article are courtesy of Financial Horse.


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