CapitaLand Investment pays a 6.7% dividend yield – Will I buy this stock at...

  I’ve noticed quite active discussion about CapitaLand Invesment among readers. So I wanted to release this FH Premium article written last month, to give an insight...

DBS Bank jumps to all time high after Bonus Shares – At 6.2% dividend...

  As many of you will know, DBS bank went ex bonus shares on Monday, 22 April. Interestingly, DBS shares have done very well since then. Here...

How to get 5% p.a.^ dividend income as a passive investor (for the first...

Singapore investors love dividends. Whether you are a young investor growing your wealth, or a retiree looking for retirement income, it’s never too late to...

How I may invest $1 million in 2024 – Buy REITs, US Stocks, Commodities,...

As some of you may know, my belief is that active investing may outperform passive investing this decade. So when Saxo reached out to collaborate...

Shopee shares jump 50% since I bought – Will I buy more Sea Ltd...

  As shared in previous articles, I recently opened a position in Sea Ltd in Jan/Feb this year. My average buy in price is around high...

UOB Bank pays 5.8% dividend yield only – Buy DBS or OCBC instead for...

  So I was reading this article from Beansprout recently. The article is titled “UOB offers lowest dividend yield amongst local banks. Switch to DBS?” It explains...

DBS Bank pays a 7.0% dividend yield after bonus shares – Better Buy than...

  We all know Singapore investors love banks stocks. It’s been quite a while since my last article looking at the Singapore banks. And we’ve had quite...

Top 3 Growth Stocks I may buy in 2024 – for big capital gains?...

  After Monday’s article on Shopee (Sea Ltd) stock. I received this great comment on the Telegram Chat: @Financial_Horse any articles on which boom stock to buy?...

Are Shopee (Sea Ltd) shares a good buy at $35? Down 90% from highs!

  As subscribers on the Financial Horse tier (access to my personal portfolio) will know. I recently picked up a small speculative position in Sea. Now just...

Lion-Nomura Japan Active ETF (Powered by AI) Review – Japan stocks up 25% in...

As we all know, Singaporeans love Japan. With borders being open again, it’s almost as if half of Singapore was in Japan over Christmas. We love...

Why I may buy OCBC Bank Stock in 2024 – at 6.2% dividend yield?...

  As some of you will know, I’ve been pretty neutral / bearish on the banks for most of 2023. In most of 2023 I was...

Why are DBS, OCBC, UOB stock prices dropping? When will I buy bank stocks...

  I received a very interesting question this week: Hi FH, can you share some perspectives why the 3 local bank share price have been falling...

Top 3 Dividend Stocks to buy in 2024 – 5% yield minimum (No Banks...

  So a FH Premium member recently posed the question: Hi FH, I recall you did an article sometime ago on dividend stocks that are non-bank...

How to get up to 6% p.a. dividend income as a passive investor (United...

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about dividend investing recently. As you would recall, a couple of weeks ago a reader wrote in with...

OCBC Bank pays a 6.15% dividend yield – Better Buy than DBS or UOB...

  After my recent article on how to generate $50,000 dividend income a year. There were a lot of questions on OCBC, and how it compared...