One of the things that really surprised me from the recent feedback was the number of non-Singaporeans reading this blog.
To all such expats or foreigners reading this, a huge, huge welcome to Singapore! As Singaporeans, we warmly welcome you to our humble island! It’s pretty small, but hey, the people are friendly and it’s sunny all year round! Even for those who are based overseas, you are always welcome to visit or invest in Singapore. 🙂
For this very unique audience though, I wanted to pen an article on investing in Singapore, the options available, and the pros and cons of each. For the other Singaporeans out there, I hope that this article will be useful for you as well, as a nice summary of the investment options available to us. A lot of the investments that appeal to a foreigner have traits such as short term stability that may also be useful for short to mid-term investing.
Basics: Investing as an Expat / Foreigner
I’ve set out a couple of recent queries received to really illustrate the different considerations a foreign investor may have (personal details have been redacted to protect their privacy):
Hello FH,
Great finding your blog. Thanks for de-mystifying investing!
My question is, what allocations would you recommend for newly-arrived foreigners who live in SG and with assets mostly in GBP and HKD? I currently subscribe to a wealth management unit trust thinking that I’ll leave investing to the experts, not being in the industry and having been burned in the past. These investments are mostly in the Balanced spectrum. What would be a great investment with spare cash?
Thank you!
Well I’m not sure if it’s relevant for your core audience, but my personal situation is I’ll be in Singapore for approx another X years (almost done X now) before moving back to Australia.
I want to make the most of my time here in terms of capital gains and no dividend tax, but ultimately I know that I’ll have to sell up and replace when I move back, so I think short term stability is required for anything local to SG. I combat this by using 85% IWDA (which I can instantly replace like for like in Aus) and 15% A35.
I wonder if this is still right or if a REIT would help diversify. I saw your article on Netlink which to me would look an ideal fit for relative stability in the short term.
Obviously you wouldn’t have to focus on my specific needs, but a great angle for you would be to cater for expats in the same boat. We get a lot of the investment sales people hitting us up as soon as we land (no idea how they find us but they even call my reception at work).
A lot are getting hit, and when I try to explain that a 2% fee is a bigger deal than it sounds they glaze over…
If anything my requests would be around content that could differ for foreigners? For example i saw your thoughts on SRS but i had trouble relating to the product or whether it would be useful for me as someone who doesn’t have CPF and isn’t sure of whether i’ll be allowed to stay in Singpaore long term. While on the one hand it seems attractive to use it for the tax benefits and then redeploy those funds into say SSBs or robo-adviors, i’m just not sure if that makes sense given the trade off in liquidity. Also notice, you kept a cut off at 80k given the change in tax bracket, any particular reason for this cut off and not something lower for example? Would love your thoughts around this.
Also, how about investing in non-US domiciles? Would the UK market being back at ’99 levels, are there bargains to be found? If so, what are the tax and FX implications? Or how about our own backyard? Thailand/ Malaysia/ Indonesia? Economies primed for growth but a little bit of an unknown frontier.
Imagine that you’re a Singaporean working in London now. You really love the country, the weather and your career trajectory. You expect yourself to work there for 3 to 5 years. Eventually though, once you have kids and start a family, you want to return to Singapore because you prefer the Singapore education system, and you want them to grow up in Asia. How then, do you invest your savings?
To me, in such a scenario, these are the qualities that I want from my investments:
- Stability for domestic investments – When you’re a foreigner investing in domestic investments, what you really want, is price stability. You never know when the company will relocate you back to your home country, or when you decide to move back for personal reasons. When this happens, you need to liquidate most of your investments in a hurry. If the investment has fallen 20% in the interim, that’s going to be horrible, and it may end up being money stuck in another country for a long time. So price stability is a really big consideration here for any investment denominated in the domestic currency.
- Highly liquid and Easily Replaceable for global investments – With global investments such as the S&P500, what you want is something that is highly liquid, and easily replaceable. Again the logic here is that if you want to move back, you can just sell all these investments, and buy them back easily when you get back to your home country.
- Decent returns – Ultimately, the goal in investing is to achieve returns that outpace inflation, and hopefully grow your wealth. So the returns have to be decent.
Singapore Investments
I’ve split the investments into 3 tiers based on their attractiveness:
Tier 1 (Most attractive)
Singapore Savings Bonds
Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs), are probably one of the best investments here. The qualities that make SSBs so attractive are:
- No liquidity issues + Pro Rated Interest – When you buy a normal bond (or even a US treasury), you need to hold it to maturity before the principal amount is returned to you. If you want to exit before the maturity period, you need to sell your bonds on the open market, which puts you at the mercy of capital market pricing, and liquidity issues. With SSBs, when you want to exit your bonds, you submit a notification to the government, and they you get the entire principal back by the following month. In fact, they even pay you pro-rated interest on your principal up till the redemption month. It’s the equivalent of having your cake and eating it, which is a very Singaporean investment now that I think about it. With rates at where they are now, SSBs are actually far superior to fixed deposits at a bank.
- Risk Free – Singapore Savings Bonds are guaranteed by the Singapore government, which is a AAA rated creditor. There’s no such thing as risk free in this world, but given the current political stability, strong balance sheet, favourable balance of payments and prudent fiscal policies of the Singapore government, I think the risk of a default are exceedingly low.
- Highly stable SGD currency – This point is applicable for all SGD denominated assets. When you invest in a country like Brazil or Argentina (no offence), you are taking on huge forex risk. It doesn’t matter if your domestic investments appreciate by 30%, if the domestic currency depreciates by 30%. With an SGD denominated asset, forex risk is greatly reduced, because of the stability of Singapore’s economy (see points above). When a recession comes around, investors and creditors generally appreciate the strength of Singapore’s economy, and we are less vulnerable to currency runs as compared to our South East Asian peers. We’re not invulnerable of course, but as shown in the Asian Financial Crisis and 2008 GFC, the SGD is much better off than some of its Asian peers.
The one problem with the SSB, is the low yield. The yield are set out below, and while they’ve improved significantly from just 1 year ago, they’re still not delivering the 5-6% returns you expect from equities. But hey, there’s no free lunch in this world right?
Year from issue date | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Interest, % | 2.01 | 2.14 | 2.25 | 2.35 | 2.45 | 2.53 | 2.62 | 2.70 | 2.79 | 2.90 |
Average return per year, %* | 2.01 | 2.07 | 2.13 | 2.18 | 2.24 | 2.28 | 2.33 | 2.37 | 2.41 | 2.45 |
Stable dividend stocks
This next one is a bit trickier. And these are dividend stocks with a core business that operates in a highly regulated, monopoly environment.
The best one that comes to my mind, is Netlink Trust. Netlink Trust works because:
- Highly Regulated Industry – Netlink Trust owns most of the fibre network in Singapore. The prices they charge are tightly regulated by a regulatory body (IMDA), who also approves any new market entrant. While this limits the price they can set, it also sets a floor on the price.
- Monopoly – Laying fibre connections all across Singapore is a highly capital intensive business. When you couple this with a strong existing player and tightly regulated prices, I can’t imagine why any other company would want to build up their own network. It’s financial suicide.
- Pure Singapore Investment – You can say what you want about the Singapore government, but what you get, is political stability, and a very well managed economy. A pure Singapore investment, with all the qualities mentioned above, gives Netlink trust a very stable core business, and as it’s currently trading at about a 6% yield, the downside should be somewhat limited (of course, in a liquidity crunch, anything can happen, but it should theoretically be short lived).
The challenge though, is identifying other investments with similar characteristics to the above. If you guys come across any, just leave me a comment. Otherwise, I’m always on the lookout for good investments, and I’ll share them on Financial Horse once I find them (you can join the FH Stock Watch for advance notice ;).
Pure Play Singapore REITs
Singapore is the premier destination for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in Asia ex Japan. I say this with a bit of bias because I used to work very heavily on the IPOs of REITs in Singapore, but I’m sure there are many out there who will agree with me.
So while a Singapore REIT investor is spoilt for choice, if you’re looking for something with short term stability, you want a REIT with:
- A strong sponsor – The Sponsor of the REIT is the property developer that created the REIT, and which continues to hold a large stake in the REIT (typically around 30%). If there is one thing you learn from this article, it is to only pick REITs with a strong sponsor (names like CapitaLand, Mapletree, Frasers, Far East etc). A sponsor matters because they have huge control over the investment decisions. A good sponsor provides a steady pipeline of acquisition assets, access to cheap funding, and doesn’t use the REIT as a dumping ground for its own assets.
- Pure Singapore assets – Real estate in Singapore, like almost everything else on this island, is tightly regulated. The government tightly controls the supply of new land in Singapore, and they’re willing to implement cooling measure to prevent real estate prices from running away. The net effect of these, is that properties in Singapore tend to have more stable prices than those in other countries. You won’t see a 20% year on year increase in valuation, but likewise you won’t see a 20% decline. The REITs did take a dive in the 2008 Financial Crisis, but they rebounded very strongly once investors realized that the underlying assets and rents were sound, which is likely to be the case for a pure Singapore asset. A lot of the REITs learned their lessons well from 2008, so I suspect the next recession wouldn’t hurt them as badly as it did in 2008 (to be fair, 2008 was a once a lifetime kind of event).
I wrote previously on the 5 things to look out for when investing in REITs so do check it out for more information. But REITs that fit the above criteria for me, are CapitaLand Mall Trust, Mapletree Commercial Trust, and CapitaLand Commercial Trust. Do be careful with your entry price though, some of these REITs are trading at a large premium to book value now, so if you do buy them at this price, the downside risk is slightly higher.
Tier 2 (Decent Investments)
Tier 2 investments are what I would classify as decent investments, and can be considered if you want more diversity.
- Retail Bonds – The Retail Bond market in Singapore is horribly undeveloped. No big issuer worth their salt offers to the retail market when they can fill their books many times over by going to institutional investors. The exception here is the Temasek linked Bonds (eg. Astrea IV Bonds, Temasek Bonds), because Temasek is doing their best to open up the local retail bond market. They’re definitely worth a shot, but the liquidity on these things are really poor, so you may have issues trying to exit an investment in a hurry. Stay away from the retail bonds from the smaller players though (an easy way is to look at yield, anything above 5% is probably junk), the risk-reward ratio just isn’t worth it at that level. Bond covenants in Singapore are a joke, and as a bondholder you have close to no rights.
- STI ETF – The STI ETF is the classic index for Singapore, the Singapore version of the S&P500, only with 30 stocks instead of 500. It’s heavily weighted towards financials, and heavily weighted towards the 3 local banks, which is why I don’t really like it. It’s still a decent and easy way to get broad exposure to the Singapore economy, but if you do buy into the STI ETF, expect large volatility. It’s not going to be as stable as any of the Tier 1 Investments.
- CPF/SRS – Central Providend Fund (CPF) and Supplementary Retirement Schemes (SRS) are useful for tax planning purposes, as any contributions are tax exempt. The problem though, is that moneys in CPF or SRS are effectively locked up, and can only be released in specific situations (to buy property) or if you’re leaving Singapore for good. A full discussion on either CPF or SRS probably requires a full article on its own, but what I will say is that CPF/SRS can be highly useful if your tax liability is very high, and you plan to stay in Singapore for the mid to long term (anything above 5 years would be a good benchmark).
Tier 3 (Avoid)
What I would recommend avoiding, are:
- Penny Stock/Growth Stocks – At the risk of overgeneralization, I would say that there are no good growth stocks on the SGX. America has companies like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix. China has Tencent, Alibaba, Meituan Dianping. Singapore has… Jumbo Seafood? Okay you do get the rare gems now and then, but unless you really know what you’re doing, it’s best to stay away from this space. You don’t want to be stuck in a low liquidity counter that is down 50% from its high and wait years for it to recover to its original price.
- Risky REITs – There are good REITs, and there are bad REITs. Bad REITs usually come promising high yields, assets located in god knows where, and a sponsor that may run into cash flow/liquidity issues down the road. I won’t name names, but as a rough benchmark, anything above 7.5% trailing twelve month yield, or that uses heavy income support, should set your alarm bells ringing. Again, there are notable exceptions here (I think Keppel KBS is one of these, and I’ll write on it soon – It’s on the FH Stock Watch now).
- Actively managed Unit Trusts or Insurance Products – Not everyone is going to agree with this. But my argument is this. Look at the fund that your financial planner is trying to sell to you. Net of sales charges and management fees, does the fund outperform the S&P500 or the STI ETF? If it doesn’t, why not just buy the index and be done with it? The other tricky thing about actively managed funds is that you’re usually being peddled funds that outperformed historically, but data shows that funds that outperformed the past few years, typically underperform going forward in a classic reversion to the mean. You do get the occasional Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio, or Stan Druckenmiller though, so if you find them then do stick to them.
The one good thing about active management, is that there is someone at the other end of the line. When you index invest and it falls 20%, you only get to scream at the market. When you invest in a fund and it falls 20%, you get to scream at the fund manager and the salesperson who sold the damn thing to you. If that helps you, then the sales charges and management fees may well be worth the price.
Global Investments
I wanted this article to focus primarily on Singapore investments, but I will list out briefly the global investments that can be considered. I discussed this in greater detail in the All-Weather Portfolio discussion, so do check that out for more information.
- US Stock indexes (NASDAQ, S&P500, Russell2000)
- US Treasuries (TLT, IEF)
- Global stock indexes (Vanguard Total World Stock ETF, IShares MSCI World ETF)
How would I do it?
So how would I do it if I were a foreigner expat living in Singapore? I would probably start with the all weather portfolio to guide my asset allocation. Stocks will be split among US (S&P500), China (Hang Seng), and Singapore stocks (Pure Play Singapore REITs) to gain broad exposure to the global economy. Bonds will go into mid and long term US treasuries, and Singapore Savings Bonds. I may also add the odd Temasek bond or Netlink Trust depending on market conditions.
So there you have it! A very brief introduction to the main investment opportunities in Singapore for foreigners/expats! If you have any thoughts, just leave a comment below!
Till next time, Financial Horse, signing out!
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Dear FH any idea if there are withholding taxes on dividends and capital gains for Canadian investors into SG Stocks?
Thank you!
Hello there!
Do you mean a Canadian investor who invests directly in Singapore stocks? In that case, there are no witholding taxes on dividends, and no capital gains taxes. Singapore is really good in this regard! 🙂
To add, if you’re Canadian but Singapore resident, there’s also no withholding taxes and capital gains taxes. It’s the same treatment for us Singapore citizens/PRs. Hope this helps!
Amazing, thanks for taking the time to write for Expats!
No problem, glad that it’s helpful! Cheers!
Hi there. For foreigners, opening an account with an international brokerage like interactive brokers might work well. The commissions are super low and foreigners are able to buy Singapore equities if am not wrong. (Singaporeans can’t use Interactively brokers to buy SG equities though!)
Lower trading costs aside, it also eliminates the need to have to liquidate positions (and rebuy elsewhere) should foreigners decide to leave Singapore.
Hi there! Yes that’s a great point. Although with IB there is a minimum account fee of USD10 per month, so that’s worth noting. But this concept can be applied to other international brokers like Saxo or Charles Schwab, and it can make it a lot less painful to relocate.
Is that what you are doing for yourself?
Hi Moo Moo.
Are EP pass holders considered foreigners? What about PR? Thanks. I’m an EP holder and would like to buy SG equities through IBKR.
Hi Moo Moo. If I understand correctly, EP holders can buy SG equities through IBKR. What happens to the SG equities when the EP holder becomes a PR? Do they need to be transferred to a local brokerage?
Hi. Do you know if an EP holder qualifies as “foreigner” (i.e., able to buy SG shares through IBKR). I also find local brokerage fees to be quite high and would like to be able to buy SG ETFs through IBKR. Thanks.
Thank you Financial horse for helping us foreign investors. Can I ask what is your profession?
Haha I’m not sure how that’s entirely relevant but yes of course, I’ll oblige. I am a lawyer by profession, specialising in securities laws. 🙂
Yup. But only because employer requires it to track our transactions :). Which also means I don’t have to pay the monthly fee!
Would like to see more articles on international stocks in 2019! (For eg. like the Alibaba one)
Haha interesting, didnt realise the employer would pay the monthly fee. Then yes absolutely IB would be by far the best choice.
Sure, I’ll see what I can do. 😉
Great summary! Thank you!
No problem, glad you found it helpful!
Hi FH, i’m a foreigner with an Employment Pass recently came to SG to work.
Read some of your articles and found them really really useful.
I’m only 25 and already starting to learn all these, REIT, dividends, compound interest and etc. Its never too early to start investing right?
I’m more inclined towards investing in REITs, SSB and index/ETFs.
i have few questions:
1) How do i buy international ETF such as Vanguard ETF/ S&P index? Can we do that in Singapore as a foreigner?
2) After reading your articles, i do realize that some REITs are at relatively high price. Should i wait for the recession or should aim for some cheaper REITs with good sponsor?
3) Other than Netlink, do you have any other recommendation? I presume we should put all eggs into one basket if we were to invest in stocks.
Hi there! Absolutely, it’s never to early to learn about investing!
Some thoughts from me:
1) Yes, you will need to open a stock broker account with access to international shares. I wrote a guide on this here:
2) That’s a very tricky one. I do agree that some of the REITs are priced quite high at the moment, but nobody know for certain when the next recession will come, or how the REITs will react in price then. I would say if you have cash you don’t need for the mid to long term, just put some into the market, and if it drops just buy more. But you really need to evaluate your personal finance situation for this one. There are still lots of cheap and good REITs out there (Keppel KBS US REIT, I just wrote on it:, so another strategy is to locate the comparatively cheaper ones. That said, I do think REITs as an asset class are quite expensive now as compared to where they were in 2018, so I’m actually less bullish on REITs and more bullish on shares at the moment.
3) Do you mean for REITs, or for stocks? I share all my favourite stocks on the FH stock watch here ( But as a general note, I quite like DBS, MCT and Netlink for the Singapore context. MCT is quite expensive now though…
Great questions though, really enjoyed them. All the best with your investing journey, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any queries! 🙂
Thanks for the prompt reply!
1) Based on the guide, you are recommending Saxo over the others? I assume Saxo have access to Vanguard ETF too? Also, will i need to pay withholding tax if i buy Vanguard ETFs?
2) I’m more inclined towards keeping cash instead of investing in the market right now looking at the mess in the world economy. Too much uncertainty out there.
3) I mean for stocks. I’m more of a dividend guy so i guess i’ll research more on those stocks that gives dividends at the same time capital gains as extra.
Hello Sir, How do you do?
I have a few questions about CDP. Is it possible to open a cpd account for an allian whose not live in Singapore nor has PR.
Hi there. I will need to check the requirements to be sure, but I think you actually need to come to Singapore to open the account. 🙂
I have done my PhD in Singapore but currently working in Saudi Arabia. I am wondering if there is any option for me to invest in Singapore? given that I am not staying in Singapore anymore.
Hi there!
Yes absolutely, you can actually open a brokerage account via Saxo, and buy Singapore shares through your Saxo brokerage account. They’ve recently reduced the commissions quite drastically (and removed the custody charges), so that might be the best way to get access to Singapore investments given your situation.
The next best thing is to have a CDP account, but given that you’re not based in Singapore, it may be hard to set one up (you need to mail stuff to CDP, and may need to go down personally.
So yeah, I would suggest going with Saxo. You can take a look at their webpage for more info:
If you need an account, I have a referral link. Drop an email to [email protected] there will be an autoreply with the next steps.
Hope this helps. If you need any info just leave a comment!
Hi Financial Horse. Based on your reply to Moo Moo, my understanding is that an EP holder may buy Singapore equities through IBKR. However, what happens to the bought SG equities held at IBKR when the EP holder converts to SG PR? Do they need to be transferred to a local brokerage? Thanks
There shouldn’t be any issues, but best to check with IBKR to confirm this understanding. 🙂